GCRE Upward Mobility
GCRE Loan Matching Program
Launched in 2020, the GCRE Upward Mobility Fund provides low interest soft loans, grants, venture and seed capital to initiatives that focus on upward mobility, renewable energy, EV adoption, or initiatives focused on investment in otherwise underserved markets. The Fund is expected to commit up to $3,000,000 annually for programs that align with the Funds investment goals and guidelines.
Partnership with Kiva lending platform
Kiva is a non-profit organization whose mission is to alleviate poverty by enabling people around the world to access financial services and capital. Their online lending platform focuses on providing microloans to those who have limited access to traditional banking systems, such as low-income individuals, women, and entrepreneurs in rural or underserved areas.
Kiva has partnered with the GCRE Upward Mobility Fund to scale their impact and reach more borrowers in the US. The organization has facilitated millions of loans and has had a significant positive impact on the lives of borrowers worldwide.
Pediatric Research Fund – Catalyzing Investment in Pediatric Research Initiatives
GCRE has committed to providing startup, venture and mission focused capital in specific areas of Pediatric Medical Research – with a total funding commitment of $30mm – and funding amounts between $50,000 and $500,000. The Fund will partner with top tier research hospitals to provide early stage funding in research focused on individualized medicine, genomics and cellular messaging systems.